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In Latin, 'Pamela' means made of honey.
so yes, i love sweet things. (:

because you're like super cute.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I got my phone yesterday!! Hurray!! It's a very nice phone with camera, mp3, bluetooth and 3G!! Nice rite?? Anyway, now my whole family sick, well, not all but 3 of them...lols. My dad keeps on vomiting, my youger sis complains of stomachache and and my elder sis say she gonna get the virus alrdy... haix...so poor thing...lol. Now left me and my mum who are safe...I actually got the virus first but im officially cured. I lost 2kg in 3days!! Well, tt's for 2 reasons: 1) Got ulcer...eat everything pain. 2) Wadever I eat will be vomited out. Tt's <<<>
Yay!! I could go to Taiwan!! But haven't confirmed yet..if got the tickets then I will go...with my aunt and family...lols. Not together with my family...brb! Now have to choose schs...dunno which 1 leh...I wanna go presbyterian high which might not be available...maybe 80% available...lol. 2nd choice then I headache le...But I wanna go same sch as my Friends!!! Must leave primary sch and all my pals...how hard would tt be?! Now I have forgotten how to make friends alrdy...usually everyone was my friend and in 1 more mth then I would be in a world of strangers...aiyo...maybe I should juz let god arrange everything...

Friday, November 24, 2006

Hmm...got 237 for PSLE...must go Presbyterian High. There are alot of positive and negative things...let's see:
Positive ones:
1) Can get into Presbyterian High
2) Get handphone
Negative ones:
1) Cannot go same sch as Amariah
2) Cannot go girls sch
As u can see, there are 2 to each section, so it isn't very bad. At least can get in dream sch...well, one of my dream sch.
Nth to write liao...just wish for everything to go smoothly. thank you for yr kind attention. Good bye!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Been sick for the past 3 days...1st day is the worst!! I kept vomiting out whatever i eat. 2nd day is...hmm...how to describe...ok, i felt really lyk a dog, lots of saliva in my mouth, had to spit them out every now and then. Today is the 3rd day and Im feeling much better, juz no appetite even though i drank a whole can of 100plus...lol. Heard that 100plus gives u energy as it is an isotonic drink. =]
Now im bloated...full of liquid inside my body. Now oso have butterflies in it. Tmr must take PSLE results alrdy...and im still not prepared. =[ Would surely cry tmr, so do not be surprised lol. Wish that everybody could go to the same sch together and have gd results too...:
In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit amen.
Dear God,
May you grant this little wish of mine tt all of my friends could go to the same sch and spend another 4 years together. It sounds IMPOSSIBLE but at least some of my very very very very very very very gd friends...thank you.
St. Mary Euphrasia, pray for us; Gd Shepherd, bless us.
In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit amen.
Above is my prayer to god...hope tt it will be fulfilled so majority would be happy =D. Another thing is for us to get at least 240 for PSLE...so tt we would get a reward for our parents...wish for me to get the Nokia 6288 and may Amariah get her Pink Nintendogs =]

Monday, November 20, 2006

Renfu is a father!! His gf gave birth to lele, their little girl on the 19th November!!! WOW!! Can't believe tt he is a father!! So touching...='[ dun believe then go to his blog...it is one of the exits. Dunno why i so sad, i should be happy! SMILE =] LeLe...wad a cute name...but when u add in WangLeLe, sounds awful...lol. Nvm, Renfu's happy so I'm happy =].
Yesterday i saw a MARVELLOUS hp!! Is Nokia 6288...white one. I so in love with it... So boring...holiday come already, so results coming oso...this thursday. Must parents come? I hope not...=[
Holiday, my job is to do wad? Cherish the last moments of being a child. My sister has taken up a job...teacher. LOL...teacher to only 1 student, and that is my father. Haha, she now gives him spelling everyday...tuition starts today, first letter..."A" So my dad has to learn words tt starts with the letter "A". Ridiculous rite? Im not kidding...lol
Now my younger sis sick...vomiting out all the food that she eats. Went to see a doctor yesterday...she lost 7% of her weight...that is 1.5kg!! How much food must i not eat to lose 1.5kg!! But if she lose 10% of her body weight, she needs to be hospitalised!!! She is only 5 years old!! Hospitalised at such a young age?? OMG!! Wish for her to get well soon!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Dear friends,

I wish u the best of luck in everything u all do. Try yr best in everything and dun give up!! Even if we r not very close, I hope we would remain in touch FOREVER. Add me in msn or leave your name and contact no. when u tag.
I really hope to keep in touch with everyone of u! I would really miss u guys out there...cry cry cry. I believe our friendship will last forever if we make an effort to do so. I can't believe primary school has ended and we will go separate ways from now on. I really do hope that we can all get into the same sch and lead our usual happy and carefree life for the next 4 years. Why does everything has an end?? Why did god created the word "end"?? I'll miss u guys...goodbye for now.
May all your wishes and dreams come true!

Friends ALWAYS,
dated - 17/11/06, 6.28p.m.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Juz watch a whole new chapter of wanquanyule. So fun!! The three hosts muz do wadever the audience do but they muz guess the correct colour of the ball they picking first. If get correct then they will do wad the audience wants and otherwise. So fun!!! Some ppl even ask them to dance ballet when they are MEN!! lol...got one ask mengzhe to be her bf...haha! Too bad the channel cut the program. Supposed to be 1 and a half hour but they cut it to 1 hour only. =[
In 6 days, 8h and 14min, they day of PSLE result will be annouced...waaa...so scared. I think i'll definitely cry on that day, for 2 reasons actually -- one because get poor results, the other because i'm gonna leave my friends FOREVER!! Well, not really forever but we will split up into "tiny bits" and go to our new secondary school...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Actually now supposed to be in school but dun wanna go for CCA...lolx! Just now just weeped because watch wanquanyule. So touching...even renfu cry oso. It's an episode of renfu because he is going to be a father in 9 days! I cried because I'm sad that renfu is going to get married real SOON! awwwww...he will be MARRIED!! Can't believe that rite? *sob*
*Wipes tears* ok...anyway, had a real HORRIBLE day. Netball tournament today and Amethyst won...how amusing is that? Can't believe they won. Actually, I seem to cannot believe anything...lolx! I can't bear to leave all my friends... Love them so much(as in friends)! Now oso got splitting headache...=[ Nth to write liao...bye!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Today netball tournament...GARNET won!! Hurray, Jump 4 joy!! Anyways...had flu the whole day, ate clarinase, but still haven't recover. After netball tournament then go recess...boring. Then drew on the board and tested Amariah and Shi En on my friend test...can't believe Shi En answered more questions correctly than Amariah... how could this be?? nvm...
After that we went for Mother Tongue, boring again. We were called 2 go 2 the AVA room 2 watch movie---AquaMarine...then watch not even 15mins then... ..."ALL P6 GIRLS PLEASE PROCEED TO THE HALL NOW"!!! Reach hall then got Prize-giving Day rehearsal... While talking to Belle, Ms Choy suddenly say 6D's class monitress come 2 the front. So I went with Amariah to the front then she started saying things which I TOTALLY DUN UNDERSTAND!! Then she ask me, Amariah, Nisha and Rachel go and sort things out...and Im still saying WAD?? with a blurr face.
Finally I got the situation from Rachel... it's not my fault that the class's parents can't come 2 the Prize-giving Day...Pauline didn't ask me and Amariah!! Now Ms Choy say it is OUR fault...how ridiculous is that?? It's Pauline's fault that she didn't ask the CLASS MONITRESSES!!! Not our fault!! Then...Ms Choy ask the whole class to go to the front...and get REPRIMANDED!! Some more is in front of the other classes..how embarrassing is that? Then she used the microphone too...so that the whole world can hear her scolding us. =.='' 4get it...dun wanna talk abt this.
Then later went back 2 class 2 stare into the air...发呆. Nth else 2 do!!! Amariah writing farewell msg for Meiyi, nobody 2 talk 2. =[ Actually it's nice staring into the air... very boring but gives u a time 2 think through abt things... sch gonna end, very very extremely, super sad ='[ Time passes so fast whenever u want it 2 pass slowly =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[
Oh ya...juz now 完全娱乐 so nice!! Got 3 主持人---仁甫, 孟哲 and JR. Kone come oso...Darren so short...ahhahahaha...renfu much more shuaier... 小刀 came too! He so long never come liao. Renfu oso say he 2 years never see him alrdy...Then he oso hinted that 5566's next album will be starring the whole of 5566!!! YAY!! A reunion for 5566!!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

OMG...organ gonna immigrate 2 Funan...muz go there 4 lessons! So far! Wish can ask my teacher come 2 my house and learn...no nid 2 spend on transport. Better.
Anyway, went bowling yesterday again, at Marina Square...AGAIN. Juz went there last week and now this week. Now arm aching again...only got 64 pts, improvement of 4 marks compared 2 last week's. But dunno y, in the middle of the 2nd game, feel lyk crying. So helpless...=( It's lyk after I got strike, I didn't knock any pins down 4 the next 3 rounds...waaaaa. After tt went 2 eat dinner...at the same place as last week's also...=.='' Ate duck rice...delicious, but got green leaves...so disgusting. Felt down until ate ice-cream...dark chocolate...bitter! Really it is dark chocolate...lol. Now I noe ice cream brightens up my night...went home after eaeting ice cream...bathed then played "Donkey" with sis while listening 2 music. Such a boring day I had yesterday...Envy Amariah, she went escape!!! So lucky...=[
Today I did nth!! Ate cookies...and gained 1kg!! How fat am I? Now eating Taiwanese snack...strawberry flavoured sun cake...scrumptious but will soon, very soon become FATTER! Last week of sch liao...*sobs*, *sobs* and *sobs*. So sad...time passed so quickly...got 2 leave all my lovely friends...='[ Feel lyk crying... Waaaaaaaaaaaaa...Waaaaaaaaaaaaa...Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Yesterday was graduation party 4 p6s...so fun, but now have body aches all over. Amariah came 2 my house yesterday, b4 the party...we painted our nails until we 4got abt the time!! Thx 2 Evelyn's call, we managed 2 get 2 sch in time. Sry evelyn...2 keep u waiting...dun be angry ok? Must SMILE!! =D Got no time 2 put stickers but at least we painted our ten fingers.
Sch installed a disco light 4 disco nite...danced lyk crazy. The music was so loud that everyone had 2 shout in order 2 be heard. I shout until now throat a little pain...but nvm, had a great time yesterday although i danced and ran until my heels the sole came off!! How stupid was that? Got 2 buy new shoe...which is gd, the heels that broke haven't even last 4 a year!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Todae no nida go 2 sch...dun wanna go actually. xD Yesterday nite my dad say tt i can't marry b4 30!!! OMG! Tt's so old! Mum says otherwise...and i TOTALLY agree wif her. All bcoz of the so called "fortune teller". LOL. Dun noe whether its true...but i am definitely going 2 ignore it...or maybe im destinied 2 marry after 30. Dunno la...and oso dun care.
Anyway...do u think tt i should take up holiday classes 4 lyk designing...or any other things...?? Anything 2 recemmend? My dad advises me 2 take up classes lyk dat...Shld i? I wanna play volleyball...wad am i thinking of anyway. I dun even noe how 2 swim!!! I shld start wif the basics rite, I mean ppl usually think tt way rite?
Maybe this holiday i can 2 TAIWAN!!! My dad's considering! It's lyk such a ...***...Miracle! Im so excited, but i dun quite believe it anyway...nvr tot of tt b4. I mean i do dream of going 2 Taiwan but dun think tt's going 2 happen...and my dad says tt it's either Hainan Island, the one where Hainanese chicken rice originated frm, or Taiwan...which 1 would u pick? Of course it's gonna be Taiwan!! It's lyk...Taiwan's Amusement park is so much nicer than Singapore's and the food there is sumptious! So delicious...uh-oh, im getting a little hungry now...very hungry i mean. I can't imagine going 2 Taiwan and see RENFU!!! Tt's is my wishful thinking la... i wanna go 2 the j-stars' shoppe and shop and be fascinated by all the company's albums and souvenirs! Then i oso wanna go Gaoxiong...tt's where Renfu stay i think...=.='' OMG...I'm so ridiculous...the sun would rise in the West if tt happens...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hurt...dunno wad am i doing now. Somewhere inside feels lyk bursting. Too much 2 handle. Habbo is such a game of test and on the other hand, it is also full of "souls" tt can pierce into u without even u knowing...
Sometimes i feel lyk dying...maybe tt's not a gd idea, but really, i feel so helpless. Thank god i have this blog for me 2 pour out all my sorrows...my mind and heart is in a mess now...well, actually everything is in a mess. Wad a sudden change of mood. Maybe its bcoz of mood swings...

Changed my skin...think its is nicer. I took away the polls bcoz minority voted...=[ Sore throat's curing day by day! Hope that i will be cured by Friday...so excited, got graduation party...any comments on wearing a skirt or jeans, T-shirt or sleeveless shirt?
Bored 2 death at home. Wish could go 2 library...ON MY OWN! Parents would sure not allow tt...=[ Oh well, guess i'll have 2 look on the bright side--9 more days till sch ends! Is that a gd thing or a bad thing...?? =.='' Can't bear to leave all my beloved friends out there...='( Cry cry cry...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hey ppl! Muz go tagg me! Vote too...4 yr fav idols. Sry for there are onli Asian artists...limited choices u see. If u dun lyk them then dun vote or u can oso vote anyhow lol. But most importantly muz tag!!!! TAG TAG TAG! =)

Nid not go 2 sch today! I woke up at 11.00a.m., ate breakfast, then bathed and played PS2...Played my way till lunch time in front of the computer and did my perfect blog...nice rite? lol =D
Now...still suffering with the horrible sore throat...dun wanna go 2 sch on Thursday, November 09...skipping compatition, so boring...juz sit on the floor (so pathetic) and watch others skip...i will get bored 2 DEATH!! Anybody have comments or advice on whether i should go to sch on Thursday, feel free to tag me! I'll thank u for tt now if u should decide 2! =]