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![]() In Latin, 'Pamela' means made of honey. so yes, i love sweet things. (: ![]() because you're like super cute.
Alexis |
Alvin |
Amanda |
Belle |
Bernice |
Bryan |
Carol |
ChewErn |
Claire |
Denise |
Desiree |
Devika |
Eliza |
Emilee |
Evelyn |
Firdaus |
Gerald |
Jan |
Jana |
Jendy |
JiaNing |
Jia Qi |
Johanna |
Jolene |
Justin |
Kun Han |
Melissa |
Michelle |
QiuJin |
Quenas |
Rachel |
Rochelle |
Sadhana |
Secrene |
Sherwin |
Sheryl |
ShuRong |
Si Hui |
SooCheen |
SzeMin |
Vincent |
XiaoNing |
XiaoYe |
YiTing |
Yolande |
Zee |
Zenglin |
fourfaith '10 ! |
ZionZone |
November 2006
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Friday, November 30, 2007
yay! just applied nail polish. =) PINK! lols.
went j8 just now. and the library too. on the way there, wahhh.... it was so windy and i was wearing an extra short skirt! arggh. had to hold my skirt all the way to j8. there was once it almost flew up lah. luckily no one saw. =D so embarassing. x(( and guessed what did i buy at j8? hmm... bought 4 tiny little bottles of nail polish and my facial wash. boring right? haha, but went to BHG to look for shoes. :] but none could appease me. >< ooh and my flat's lift! it's upgrading right? and now everywhere i go, i can see banglas. so scary you know! an innocent little girl in the middle of -------... it just feels very uncomfortable! poor me! x(( haih. so bored. so bored. so bored.everyday lazing at home hoping for the time to tick away and hoping to receive smses.. i want to do something more interesting lah. like, going exercising with a friend. i'm fat you know?! waa... wendi's moving house! and leaving me all alone going home. hmph. =( no one fetch me home now. no one to go j8 with now. no one to treat now. no one to share food/drinks with now. i'll miss doing all that! arggh! sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad. I FEEL LIKE DYING! (oh my gosh. when was i so desperate bout wendi?!)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
ooh noo!! my flat's lift is upgrading until 28/11/08! arggh.. now i have to wait extra long for the lift. urggh.
and hello! i'm in an extra good mood today don't know why. haha. my sis's gone to china and i'm free to do anything i like! wahhas! hmm.. later going to my cousin's house. but before that going to j8. go buy bubble tea! :D wahh.. now holidays no pocket money.. i'm bankrupt! urggh. i wanna go to school! holidays give so much homework somemore. going to die lah. but did english, maths and DnT already. so left 2 science project and the chinese landmarks thingy. but mlg still have. >< arggh. we're supposed to relax during the holidays and not suffer with piles of homework! arggh. anywayys, i got to practise electone already, after that go j8 and then to my cousin's house. so busy! irritating! kayys, byyes! ps. sorry for talking bout such boring things. i simply have nothing to write! =.="
Saturday, November 24, 2007
heyy! i'm here to blog again.
arggh. nothing to write. okok, today went thomson plaza. nothing much happened. LOL. don't know lah. yayy! so happy now. can't tell you why. =D it's a secret! ok, it's late i got to go. have fun! i don't know what i'm talking about. goodnight to me! (:
Friday, November 23, 2007
Arggh. Had cramps since morning. it's much better now. the thing i don't understand is why i vomited. >< urgh. i woke up at 11.20 and spent most of my time in the toilet. ): and then ate like less than 1/4 of my lunch. now i'm eating my brownies that i baked yesterday. i can't believe i slept for like 3 hours nap?! LOL. pig. and at that time i haven;t even bathed. =.=" so smelly so i got up and went into the bathroom straight away. phew. now so refreshed. why isit that other girls' cramps are not as serious as mine?! i have to suffer every month! uuuurrrggggghhhhhh! so irritating. bet i've lost few kgs today. that's GOOD! and BAD! >< arggggh. nevermind. i just wished i was a guy in the first place. hmph! impossible, since i'm so girly. LOLS. ok, i wanna play CLUBPENGUIN already.
Monday, November 19, 2007
hello people! here to tell you bout my day yesterday. it was exciting!
first, i woke up at 6.15, to snatch for the toilet. then after getting ready, we set off to my aunt's house. my cousin's getting married! and my sis the flower girl. =D it was hilarious. the "sisters" who kept urging the groom and "brothers" to do weird and embarassing things. let me share with you. firstly they asked the guys to blow balloons and burst it. that's easy. then they have to dance "tuo diao", which means take it off. LOL. haha, then it's time for the red packets. the groom kept bargaining the price until it was 40% of the original amount. don't know how he bargain de. hahas. then they opened the main door and let the guys in. an obstacle cleared. when they were inside, the sisters asked the groom the say 8 language of "i love you" to the bride. considered easy, but he only knew chinese and english versions. but he got his brother's help and passed the test. next, one of the guys would have to wear a bra with a hole in it and the groom must drink from a bottle that was attached to the bra. it was milk in it, together with soya sauce and pepper. yucks. EMBARASSING! LOL. everyone laughed out loud. wahhas! next the guys are required to eat ice cream, which was improvised further by the girls by adding chilli padi, bittergourd and weird stuff. poor guys. this has proven that girls have power over guys. hurray! ooh next was hilarious. the groom have to sign a marriage contract that states the rules he have to obey. e.g. i will give 80% of my paycheck to my wife. i will not rush her when she's shopping. etc. it was crazy. 80% of his pay!? wahhas! but the groom edited the contract and signed. despicable. LOLS. next it was the time. the time to open the door. excited. haha. but the sisters kept delaying cause they were not satisfied with the guy's performance. soon time was running out so they had no choice but to give the keys. and the guys were trying to pick the lock before that. >< hmph! yayy! the groom brought the bride out. they were really very compatible. really. she was sososososo pretty. next we had to do a photoshoot at bottle tree park. not me but my sis the flower girl. so i was like an extra following them everywhere. x(( next we went to redhill, the groom's house. then ate lunch there. nice buffet! they served tea and then went back to the bride's house, at yishun. it was all crowded with people there already, very different from just now. they served tea again and then took many many many many pictures. ALOT! lols. and this time i was not in the background, but in the foreground. yayy! finally not the extra people. haha. next we went northpoint awhile and went home to change and get ready for the dinner. then we spent few hours in the hotel room of Grand Copthorne cause my sister had the privilege of the room being the flower girl. we created havoc inside and took all the free stuff. =D then all the guests have arrived so we went down to the ballroom. the funny part was that, my family and my aunt's family had to share a table with a pilar blocking our view to the stage. arggh. haha, but my dad went to complain so we exchaged tables with the reserved one, which was right in front. hurray! we all sat down and enjoyed the dinner. took lots of pics and went home. anyway, do you know that yesterday, the 18th of November was an auspicious day? i saw 5 wedding cars at redhill. crazy right? lols. anywayy, this post is too long. i gotta stop already. bb!
Friday, November 16, 2007
waa... so emo now. arggh.
i know you don't like me to put up everything thru' blog. that's why i'm doing it. urggh. i know you love me, but i just can't control arguing with you. ever since that day, things have changed. can't you try to understand me for once? nevermind, cause i know you refuse to. ok, i don't wanna talk about this already. it's making me more emo. arggh. i think i can really forget about patching up. i appreciate all those you have done for me. i'll try my best to make them up to you. hope you don't blame me for doing this. sorry. i just wanna say, saranghaeyo.
Monday, November 12, 2007
I'm officially defeated. arggh.
so useless now. can't even handle a simple matter. what happened between us*?! i just wanted.. nevermind. i don't wanna talk about this already. it's now really really over, too late to start again. sorry for whatever trouble i've cause you*, and thank you* for whatever you've done for me. feel like a zombie blogging now. *saying goodbye to me and you**.. if you* ever read this, i just wanna let you* know that i love you*.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Woops! I saw simon today! got annoyed by his long lecture on my performance. this was what he said, as far as i could remember:
"Pamela, work hard next year ok? it's going to be a tough year you know"<- must he add the YOU KNOW?! lols. okok, continue. "your studies is quite alright. you need to put in more leadership as the welfare head. the school spent lots of effort grooming you, and you went for the leadership course! don't waste your dad's money. i want to see you having more leadership next year ok?" FINALLY, he said," ok, thanks for coming.(handshakes my dad) see you tomorrow PAMELA!" ... erm...... =.=" LOLS. so long lecture and i was there saying ok, ok, ok, ok, ok a billion times! arggh, so annoying. x(( YAYY! it's da class gathering tomorrow! waa!! i can only stay until 4! hmph! most probably i have to go home ALONE! arggh. wendi would want to stay longer and ****(now it's all stars*************) cannot possibly leave so early. so it's me, ALL ALONE. uuuuuurrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!! and what's worse is, i don't know yishun! how do i get from there back home?!, without directions and arrows for me to refer to?! argggh. nevermind. i'll decide then, or maybe i will just fly home, or use magic dig a hole underground and appear at my doorstep. >< LOL. oh yeah! looking forward to meeting all of you 1Humility tomorrow! (excluding Simon) wahhas!, whom i've just met a few hours ago.. glaciaos! whatever is that. -.- or maybe there isn't such a word at all. gosh, i'm nonsense. |