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![]() In Latin, 'Pamela' means made of honey. so yes, i love sweet things. (: ![]() because you're like super cute.
Alexis |
Alvin |
Amanda |
Belle |
Bernice |
Bryan |
Carol |
ChewErn |
Claire |
Denise |
Desiree |
Devika |
Eliza |
Emilee |
Evelyn |
Firdaus |
Gerald |
Jan |
Jana |
Jendy |
JiaNing |
Jia Qi |
Johanna |
Jolene |
Justin |
Kun Han |
Melissa |
Michelle |
QiuJin |
Quenas |
Rachel |
Rochelle |
Sadhana |
Secrene |
Sherwin |
Sheryl |
ShuRong |
Si Hui |
SooCheen |
SzeMin |
Vincent |
XiaoNing |
XiaoYe |
YiTing |
Yolande |
Zee |
Zenglin |
fourfaith '10 ! |
ZionZone |
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Friday, December 14, 2007
This Christmas list of wishes belongs to Pamela Ng.
No one is allowed to edit or post bad comments concerning this list. Dear Santa, I would like you to help me fulfil these few wishes as my Christmas present(s). Thank you SO much. 1) Get more piglets. 2) Get more dolphins stuffed toys. 3) Get me a new computer. 4) Get lots of accesories for me to look pretty. 5) Make my mind always occupied so that it'll not wander around. 6) Show your face to me. 7) Predict my wishes and fulfil every one of them. 8) Include my wishes from those on the Craves in my blog. 9) Don't let me shed anymore tears. 10) Answer these questions below. -Are you a female of male? -Do you love red alot? -Where do you exactly live? -Is your beard real? -How old are you? -Do you really travel on a sleigh? -Do you exist? -Do you even exist in Singapore? -Where do you get your $$ to buy all those prezzies? OOPS! too many wishes. but i don't expect a reply fro you really. hahs. no offence to those questions i wrote, just out of curiosity. anywayy, Merry Christmas to you and everyone! ++ 'Pam :]]
ahhhhhhhhh. i'm going crazy over the holidays. arggh. this is so boring. everyday rushing up on projects and homework. i wanna go to school now! hmph. but before that, it shall be my turn to relax overseas. but those rich people can go taiwan, korea and coutries that have a HUGE distance from singapore. whereas, i am only going to malaysia. >< what the heck. this is so unfair. urrgggh. ok, i can't do anything about it anyway. haih. waiting for the phone to beep.. wait. wait. and wait. wait again. i'm going mad! no smses or what. arggh. maybe i'm to desperate. =.=" calm down pamela! arggh. this is the first time i'm missing school so much. not because simon left phs, but i think school is fun, ever since i went on to secondary school. stupid right? lols. people say i have something wrong up there. but i am perfectly normal! hmph. i know what i blog is crap. give me ideas on what to post people! or maybe you don't mind me crapping the whole page. =.=" i'll be more crappy if you want. :]] glad to crap. yayys!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
simon's testimonial!!
read read! - Dear Pupils of 1 Humility (Yr 2007), I am wrtiting this to inform you that I will no longer be in PHS wef Dec 30, 2007. I have to say that my time with you was the best moments of my life in PHS. I truly enjoyed your presence and I think you have helped me along the way to grow into a better teacher. You are all unique in your own ways. Each of you possess unique strengths and weaknesses. So please harness upon your strength and turn your weaknesses into strengths. You will do well if you take my advice. I will not forget all of you even if you have been streamed into different classes next year. You are all bright and intelligent people. Please don’t think otherwise. See yourself reaching your dreams and make hay while the sun shines. I have decided that the time has come for me to take a breather. I enjoyed myself teaching all of you and I hope you will continue to grow up into fine adults. Do well in your studies and aim for the best. I hope to see all of you do well and graduate from PHS. Your destiny is in your hands. Please remain united as a class of your own and work as a team. To those who are thinking of transferring to another school, think twice before doing so, so that you will not regret your actions later on in life. Consult your parents and others who know better. To my St John members, I wish you all the best. You have made me proud of your ceaseless and tireless contribution to your CCA. Your zeal will go a long way towards shaping your destiny. To Joel and Adrian(what the?!), I wish to all the best in your studies. Never give up eventhough the journey may take longer than what you perceive. You have proven that hard work does pay off this year. Many of you also did well enough to move on. That’s because you took your teachers’ advice seriously. Always have a target and aim for that. Keep your target in sight and you will never miss your shot. Reach for the stars for there is no limit if you set no boundaries. Your imagination is the only limit. Listen to your beloved parents for they are the ones who love you and care enough to give you a fine education. Believe in what they say and do not rebel. They are also humans and sometimes thay also tend to make mistakes….even I do. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, they still love you and they are still your parents. So please cherish them for what they have done to you. Ask your teachers for help early if you need any help. They will help you if you are sincere and earnest in your attitude. Do not give them a hard time for life is already tough. They also have your future at heart. Strive to mix studies with play. All work and no play makes 1H (2H in 2008) a dull class. So strike a balanced lifestyle always and you will grow all the more wiser and healthier. Take time off also to pursue your own interest provided it does not conflict with your studies. Maintain a healthy realationship at all times with your peers. Do take good care of yourselves and May God bless and guide you in helping you to shape your destiny. Merry Christmas everybody! Yours truly and sincerely, Your Form Teacher (Jan 07 – Dec 07) Mr Eugene Joseph Simon PS: Please note that my last day to use this MLG portal is 30 Dec 2007 afterwhich I will have no more access to it. However you may still contact me at my HP( 90466115) or at the following email add: ejsimon@singnet.com.sg. - oh gosh. is this a good or bad thing? x(( sad. now no more fun in class or in school. >< waa... sad sad!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
are you naughty or nice?
good as gold. 'you're all about sunshine and smiles. Sweet as you are, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand while your halo shines in the sun. Okay, maybe not. But you are an awfully good person. Sure, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stick to the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and-nudie-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but remember: It's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Make a crank call. Go to strip club. Trust us — as long as no one gets hurt, it can be fun to be bad!' that's my results for "are you naughty or nice". i'm as good as gold. wahhas! very right. x]] haha. go to strip club. yucks. way to bad. maybe i should do a crank call like they asked me to. :) and they said: stick to the shallow end of the pool. LOL. of course i would. later i drown, given my lousy swimming skills. give me a float then maybe i'll go to the deep end. :D i'm complimented. it's so true. go take. haha. took so many already, take until headache. arggh. again headache. kk, got to go now. bb. if you're wondering where i took those tests, go to www.tickle.com you'll need to sign up first(free). :] |