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![]() In Latin, 'Pamela' means made of honey. so yes, i love sweet things. (: ![]() because you're like super cute.
Alexis |
Alvin |
Amanda |
Belle |
Bernice |
Bryan |
Carol |
ChewErn |
Claire |
Denise |
Desiree |
Devika |
Eliza |
Emilee |
Evelyn |
Firdaus |
Gerald |
Jan |
Jana |
Jendy |
JiaNing |
Jia Qi |
Johanna |
Jolene |
Justin |
Kun Han |
Melissa |
Michelle |
QiuJin |
Quenas |
Rachel |
Rochelle |
Sadhana |
Secrene |
Sherwin |
Sheryl |
ShuRong |
Si Hui |
SooCheen |
SzeMin |
Vincent |
XiaoNing |
XiaoYe |
YiTing |
Yolande |
Zee |
Zenglin |
fourfaith '10 ! |
ZionZone |
November 2006
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
dang boredddd.
it's the first day of the holidays & i'm dang boreddd! ugh. so what do i have in plan for the coming week? hmm.. perhaps it'll go like this: Monday: Study. Tuesday: Study. Wednesday: Study. Thursday: Study. Friday: Study. Saturday: Slack. Sunday: Chiong homework. what the heck. -.- but maybe i'll go to the library & study. so it won't make me feel like a bird in a cage. >< (they are put in italics cause i can't guarantee that i'll study.) xPP but i've done my maths homework already! DDD: amazing! heheh. (: so i'm left with english. x(( & if you're wondering why am i studying so hard, it's because i gotta pass all 9 subjects so that i can go japan. -.- LOL? that's my goal fo this year. or at least, a B4 for all my subjects. (: dang low can? blame it on my hopelessness then. uhh.
Friday, August 29, 2008
here are some crappy photos i took in zion zone.
of course, with the help of many. ;DD (BEWARE: spooky photos. scroll down if you dare.) ahhahahah! XDD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HAH.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
hellooo people!
;DD i'm bored here so i shall post again. hmm.. i have no idea what to write about. so i'll just talk about my day again. (: morning IT day. chiong-ed all the way maan! then went out of the house. LIFT BREAKDOWN. what the heck?! climbed all the way from the 13th storey. -.- uhhh. & the time was already 11.50. then waited for bus 410. waited.. & waited.. until 1pm, then the bus came. (so it was the lady driving.)-.- i was supposed to reach school by 1pm btw. >< okay. walked dang fast to the MRT. then it was 2mins, BUT the train terminates at AMK. so i waited for the next train, 5mins. waited, & waited again.. finally went on the train. then reached yck around 1.15pm. then the whole path to school was flooded. but who cares! late le, just chiong. x( then shoe wet, socks wet. uhhs. so i reached homeroom around 1.20pm. i could hear miss chin shouting at the 3rd storey. -.- LOL. then went in class, everyone staring. but luckily! i wasn't the last! ahhahah! kenneth was 50mins late! DD: but miss chin didn't even scold. heh. ;D then after the whole presentation, went bubble tea shop with kun han. (: hah, we didn't even present. ;DD woohhooo! then nothing much happened. no crows or others. ahhahah! so yeah, that's it for today. (:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
i'm back.
screwed up oral. esp chinese! DD: but who cares? it's over already! ;DD so today.. MY FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH A CROW. me, secrene & kun han went to bubble tea shop. & secrene bought cheese curly fries. then guess what! D: a crow spotted secrene's cheese curly fries! & then we all ran in different directions when the crow was flying towards us. OMG! like there was some outbreak there laah! i went left, secrene went middle & kun han went right. -.- what the heck! -.- but luckily secrene dropped her curly fries, then it grabbed a piece with it's beak & flew to a tree. if she hadn't dropped it, it would have attacked her! DD: dang crappy right? LOL. luckily i hadn't bought any food. ;D heh. alrighty, gotta chiong project le. byee!
it's IT day 1 today! :DD & i'm here blogging. (: so i gotta do maths & home econs. which equals to being a housewife. -.- well, that's the role of mrs lim anywaay. (: & here are my fellow 'family' members: Kun Han - Mr Lim. Tricia - Gary Lim. Wendi - John Lim. Secrene - Jane Lim. WOAH. wendi has to film herself & post it on YouTube! ;DDD ahhahahah! but unfortunately, she refuses. cause she does not even have a camera. -.- heh. so she's gonna write the script out & that's all. x(( okok, i shan't talk more. byee! & wish me luck for my orals in the afternoon! (:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
rain rain go away.
come again another day. it's been raining & raining for days. when will it stop?! now i can't even bathe peacefully. uhh. >< oh ohh. it's kenneth's birthday today! ;DD yaay! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KONNICHIWA! :DDD you're so gonna love the chocolates. (: (refer to the bottom post.) anywaay, it's dinner time! XDD leave a tag yah! :D
Saturday, August 23, 2008
there there. (:
guess who? ... it's pooh the auntie! XDDD ahhahah! ![]() me. (: ![]() goldieee & me! sisters? (: ah neh's puppy! ahhh! terrier! DD: it's a fairytale alright. baked lemon cookies! it's niceee! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (: & it's for KENNETH CHUA. shhhh! ;DD umm, yeah. just some random photos. (: life's quite boring now. anyway, byeee. :D ohh yeah. piggy kor wanted me to put charlie's photo. so here's it. (: ![]() & i put it LARGE okay! so thank me alright! :DD
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
oh man ohh man ohh maan!
wendi's back! without a letter of approval to come back to school! omg. DD: she drank from my bottle! ahhhhhhh. i'm highly likely to kena de! but hope not! common tests are over! wooohhoooo! ;DD & my results are as follows: English - 23/40 Chinese - 28/40 Maths - 32/40 the rest haven't get back yet. we're supposed to get back literature. but me, secrene & wendi totally missed the whole time for paper checking. >< we were at bubble tea shop. ;DD heehee. xP by the way, tricia got sent back today cause of HFMD! but fortunately she was not another victim. ;D so it's 8 suspected for HFMD, & 4 confirmed cases. OMG. another 2 more victims & the whole school will close down for a week! DD: ahhahahah! & the 8 are all from 2Humility! D: LOL. seems that we don't practise good hygiene. >< heehee. ;] okay i'm getting a bit lazy to type already. bye! :DD
Thursday, August 14, 2008
i'm gonna get a new phone! ;DD sony ericsson C902! yaay! ohohh. today's maths test was horrible! we're supposed to round off all the answers to 3 significant figures. & i didn't read the instructions! OMG. my marks just flew away like that. DDDD: okay. who cares? it's over already. >< tomorrow's lit exam. & i haven't even revised. ]: by the way, timothy's the next victim of HFMD! OMG! what's with 2Humility & HFMD laah? 3 people kena le. D: hope there wo'nt be anymore victims le. (: tomorrow's there's napfa 5 items too. & sadly, i haven't been practising on my standing broad jump. it's super lousy laah! x( but napfa also heck care de. haah. ;D
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
sobs sobs.
vencia's gone back to philippines. i miss her i miss her! ): why can't she stay here forever? (cause she gotta take care of her son.) waaaaaaa. i can cry in like less than 1 min these few days. wonder how is she doing now. x( i don't even have the mood to study for the common tests. all my mind is imy imy imy. >< Lord, help me please. (: alrighty. i should be happy for her. so today's a rainy day. tomorrow's MT common test. & i haven't even started revising. D: but don't worry, it only covers formal latter writing format. the rest no need study de. ;DD yaay! BUT it's maths the day after tomorrow. ohh nooo! my doomsday. DD: so gotta buck up pamela! ohohh! & wendi got HFMD! omg omg omg! like can't the school close down or something?! uhhs. she's gonna miss all the common tests! awww maaan! lucky her. but she's gonna miss me too much. =/ XDDD kaay back to studying. cya peeps. (:
Friday, August 08, 2008
it's 08.08.08!
what a unique date! & it's on national day eve! D: i'd bet many people are getting married today. -.- hehe. ;D ohh today's celebration was damn fun! though i had to go for duty for broadcasting, i get to walk around the school! & most of all, wendi had delivered the food from class to me! oh yeah! XDDD my cookies were nice okay! the class finished the whole container. -.- & didn't even have enough for me. uhs. i at like, less than half of a cookie? arrrggggghh! x(( then i went to tricia's house. it's damn niceee! especially the lights! it's all soooooo royal. like i'm a palace or something. XDD & she had lots & lots of books laah! i love them man! & her room is like, so cool? though it's small, but it's niceeeeeee! i hate her man. how can she have such a nice house. her parents are millionaires maybe. DDD: omg! 1m+ spent on the house, 1m+ spent on design & furnishings. what the heck! & it's not even a landed property, yet it costs so much. so... weird. >< the Connect Singapore was sooo cool! we held hands through the whole singapore! ahhahahahah! & secrene, wendi, diane, tricia, xiaoye & me went craazy! we were like damn high creating noise pollution. & we did so many amk waves! DDDD: (though got alot of NGs). xPP haha. xiaoye held hands with kenneth tooo! ahhahah! XDDD that's it. byee. (:
Thursday, August 07, 2008
oh yeah!
tomorrow's national day celebration in school! ;DDD & we're having a class party DURING SCHOOL HOURS! D: omg omg omg! it's a day tomorrow filled with fun fun fun & no studies! wahhahahahas! isn't PHS just great? ;P i'm bringing homemade cookies tomorrow for the class party! wooooohhooo! my sis tried it & she says it tastes better than famous amos! XDDD LOL. well, i know she's kidding. but i gotta agree that it's damn crunchy! DDD: i can't even believe that i made it so delicious. ahhahahah! i just can't wait for tomorrow! (which i have no idea why.) it's just an annual event that the school celebrates. BUT! PHS is taking part in Connect Singapore! woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh! & everyone participant, out of 43,000 youths stand a chance to get to hold the president's hand to form the human chain! DDD: -.- dots. okaay lah. i'm being crappy. hehs. xPP we shall just wait.. okaay, gotta go. cya! & HAPPY NATIONAL DAY in advanced! :DDDDDD
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
i witnessed something bad today. it's not bad, but reeeeeally bad! DDDDDDD: damn scaary laah! went j8 for lunch today. then guess whaat. as we were bout to go up the escalator, an old lady in front fell off & tumbled down! DDDDDDDDDDD: OMG OMG OMG! then her husband was like, struggling to go down to rescue her, when the escalator was going up. then there was a huge crowd around her. (there was blood beside her right eye.) ohh maannnn! i totally felt like crying laah. & then feeling damn useless that i couldn't do anything. -.- then we had no mood to go walk walk le. so we went home. now that image is still stuck in my head. uhhs. whatever it is, we shall just pray to God. (: takecare everyone! now have you guys learnt your lesson not to play on the escalator? :DDD remember to hold the handles really tight okaay! XD that's what i'm gonna do from now on. i love myself too much! >< okaay okaay. let's calm down. byee peeps. (:
Monday, August 04, 2008
i waant you.
do you hear me? uhs. smile at me. that's all i want. show me that you're happy. i'll be satisfied already. our eyes met that day, i felt over the rainbow. but you looked away. it made my heart ache. stop playing with me. i aren't a toy, one that's useless. i want to be in your heart, cause you're taking too much of mine. you were with her. standing side by side. the glow within you then, was one that you'll never show me. so why not just get out of my sight, & let me, let me get you out of my mind. i don't waanna suffer anymore. SARANGHAE.
Friday, August 01, 2008
let's see.
what has happened in the past few days.. okaay. yesterday, me, wendi & kun han went jack's place for lunch. it costed us $7.70 per person! D: why did i ever agree to have lunch there?! haah. ohh ohh! & it was like this: ![]() that's me & wendi. (: ![]() & that's the retard. XDD ![]() ohhhh! &, & that's the ice-cream! it's kinda pathetic. it was only two small scoops, & wendi said it was heavenly. i'd think it was just some random King's or Walls ice cream. -.- LOL. & then i cried. but i shan't tell you why. i cried in a restaurant! OH MY GOSH. sooooooooo embarrassing! DDD: okok. then wendi had to go off for detention back at school. so me & kun han went amk hub. we walked, walked & walked. but we still can't find LJS! uhs. & we almost got scolded for sitting in the middle of the bridge there. why are there so many secuirity guards at amk hub? three times already. HAAAH. XDDDD then guess what? we saw ye lao shi. & she got the freaking wrong idea about me & kun han. but ohh well, didn't bother to explain to her. hehe. xPPP & we walked past pepper lunch three times cause we have nowhere else to go. so in the end, we went home at around 5+. ooohhhhhh! & i met piggy kor yesterday! he's... just a LITTLE taller than me. -.- LOL. but he looks nice. haaaah. XDDDD of course laaah. ;] so let's talk about today. we went j8 foodcourt for lunch. (we refers to me, kun han, secrene & shaun.) we ate at the foodcourt there & saw jun wei & gabriel. oh nothing special. two rich guys hanging out. haah. we went to the library next. played truth or dare. ;DDD awwww. shaun & secrene. HAAAAH. what a shy couple. (: but at least they took the first step. which i shan't tell you bout it. later she come after me with a chopper. XDDDD then again, we got chased out of the library. instead, we went to top of the 8. there, we continued the game for a short while, & then left around 4pm. such good kids we are. ;D okaay. i guess that's all for today. byeeee! :] |