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![]() In Latin, 'Pamela' means made of honey. so yes, i love sweet things. (: ![]() because you're like super cute.
Alexis |
Alvin |
Amanda |
Belle |
Bernice |
Bryan |
Carol |
ChewErn |
Claire |
Denise |
Desiree |
Devika |
Eliza |
Emilee |
Evelyn |
Firdaus |
Gerald |
Jan |
Jana |
Jendy |
JiaNing |
Jia Qi |
Johanna |
Jolene |
Justin |
Kun Han |
Melissa |
Michelle |
QiuJin |
Quenas |
Rachel |
Rochelle |
Sadhana |
Secrene |
Sherwin |
Sheryl |
ShuRong |
Si Hui |
SooCheen |
SzeMin |
Vincent |
XiaoNing |
XiaoYe |
YiTing |
Yolande |
Zee |
Zenglin |
fourfaith '10 ! |
ZionZone |
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
it's the last day of September!
D: & again, i'm here to wish all of you out there - JIAYOUUUUU for history paper today! :D wooooooooooohhhhh. & i'm collecting my blood test report later. yaay! :D
Monday, September 29, 2008
heyyo. ;D
all the best for literature paper today! yup, that's it. i guess this isn't considered a post yeahs? ;DD ohh well, just jiayouuuuu everyone! (: *p.s. bring along your jacket. hehs.
Friday, September 26, 2008
i had EL paper 1 & 2 today. x( screwed up paper 1, but paper 2 was relatively easy. :D yaay! so it's literature paper on monday. aww maaan! so i guess i won't be blogging till the eoys are over. can't wait! ;DD heheheh. wish me luck maan! i waannnnaaa go japaaaaaaaaan! x(
Friday, September 19, 2008
i had a jab today.
): it was dang dang pain laah! now i've got a hole in my body! >< sobs sobs. there. it's a plaster, get it? ;D so i have more pics to show you. (: on wednesday at macs. & you'll laugh when you see this. :D awwwwww. isn't that just adorable? LOL. XDD & here's one of me & wendi. (: there. (: heheheh. nothing else already. so, ... ta-taa! :D
Thursday, September 18, 2008
it's IT day!
;DD & yeah, i haven't started on any assignments yet. (: well, i spent the time uploading photos of the past kay. i found out, that i'm dang retarded last time. pictures speaks a thousand words. (: there there. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() yeap, that's about it. hope you guys had a good laugh. (:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
oh finally.
that day's over. pheewww. >< the secret's out already. & i had totally lost all of my dignity. why can't god just assign everyone in pairs? then it'll save much hassle. (: but then again, we don't get to choose our the other half! D: so i think that's a bad idea. heheheh. ohohh! & i'd like to share with you something very freaky. click here! done with it? then you observe what is there under the heading. what the heck laah! it's -.- LOL. i guess this is random. heh. but it's quite interesting ehh? ;D
Sunday, September 14, 2008
happy mid-autumn festival!
hohohoh! it's time to eat pomeloes & mooncakes! ;D yaay! so as usual, i went to my grandma's place to celebrate. (: but i did homework all the way. what the! i'm am sooo hardworking. ;DDD so now, i'm left with chinese composition, after chionging english comprehension & literature essay. all gotta write long long ones. uhhhs. can teachers please give us students a break? >< so here i am, stuck at this. if you are given a composition question to talk bout saving the earth in chinese, what would you do? a) stare at the question paper blankly. b) start scribbling crap. c) refuse to do. d) ask teacher for help. so i'll pick a), & then b). cause this was supposed to be done in class, but i had totally no inspiration for this topic. so i brought it back home & did b). well, you people are smart ehhs. so you should know that i am desperate to finish this compo as soon as possible. therefore, byee peeps! :D
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
What's Your Cinderella Story?
Kiss the Prince. You don't need the pouffy dress, the fancy hair, or the 3-inch glass heels. A romantic soul like you just wants a guy who's a true companion, a good friend, a real prince. And if he's hot? All the better. But ultimately, you know that home is where the heart is. Which is probably why you surround yourself with good friends you can take care of and laugh with — friends who will do the same for you. But that doesn't keep you from fantasizing about the perfect relationship. It's not that you don't have your feet firmly planted on the ground. It's just that you're not afraid to shoot high. Or wish upon a shooting star. So keep reaching for your goals, Cinderella. If you do, your happily ever after can't be far away. And you can seal that with a kiss. *adapted from tickle. (: hohohoh! kiss the prince maan! :DD he'll come riding by on a stallion in white & swoop me off my feet. (: heh. =/ What's Your Little Black Dress Personality? Your little black dress is a V-Neck. When you're out and about, enjoying all that life has to offer, you know how to let your style shine through without being overly flashy. That's why the perfect little black dress for you should be just as timeless and grounded as you are. Down-to-earth and genuine, you seem to be one of those rare individuals who understands that it's what's on the inside that really counts. By keeping your style simple and pretty, people focus on you, not the clothes. And that's nothing short of fabulous. *adapted from tickle. ohh how rare am i! ahhahah! but actually, i'd prefer a straight cut. ;D How Much do You Know About the Twilight Series? 1. Stephanie Meyer got the idea for the series: a) While driving b) In a dream c) From an old story 2. What year is Jacob’s car? a) 1980 b) 1986 c) 1991 3. Where did Bella move to Forks from? a) Tuscon b) Albuquerque c) Phoenix 4. What is Edward's birthday? a) June 20 b) July 12 c) August 15 5. And his human mother was named: a) Anne b) Mary c) Elizabeth 6. What’s Carlisle’s physical age? a) 23 b) 25 c) 28 7. Jane's power is: a) Shape-shifting b) Reading other peoples' minds c) Hurting people with her mind 8. When did Jasper become a vampire? a) 1860 b) 1863 c) 1865 9. Who is not a head of the Volturi? a) Aro b) Caius c) Stefan 10. What is Billy Black's disability? a) He has a wooden leg b) He uses crutches c) He is in a wheelchair 11. Quil's wolf fur is: a) Mahogany b) Chocolate c) Chestnut 12. And what color is Leah's? a) Grey b) Blue-grey c) Charcoal 13. Bella's wedding ring was: a) Her mother's b) Edward's mother's c) Bought in Italy 14. What is Renesmee's nickname? a) Nessie b) Bessie c) Messie 15. And who is her good friend? a) Senna b) Kachiri c) Zafrina *adapted from tickle. i didn't take the test cause i'm not that observant. -.- but i know there are many lovers of this out there. (: so, do try the test. ;DD
Monday, September 08, 2008
so it's back to school again.
): & wendi's back too! wooohoooo! it's another crazy day for us three. :D let me show you. (:
there there. we spent our recess in the toilet at DnT block. -.- heheheh. XDD oh & there's electricity test tomorrow! DD: it's like the 2nd day of the term only & there are tests. uhh. dang electricity! x(( HAH. & i bought sneakers yesterday at thomson plaza! ohh yeaahh! finally my dad got me one. -.- ohh well, thank you daddy. (: heheh. :D
Thursday, September 04, 2008
4 days of the holidays have passed,
& i've done no accomplishments. pathetic. anywaay, went to school just now. for some camp pre-trip briefing, which is totally a waste of time. i don't even know what the heck am i writing on that thick thick sheets of paper. uhhs. it's about some 8 emotional thinking or something. not sure, but i do know that it's boringg. ohohh. & i've just found out something. shan't tell you anything at the moment, just to keep you in suspense. cause i know that it'll be a disaster if it gets out. DD: so kenneth, keep your mouth: ZIPPED. heheh. ;DD it's time for me to study already. electricity is a real dang difficult topic. ughh. i can't get it until now. so gotta revise girl! jiayou pamela! (: |