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![]() In Latin, 'Pamela' means made of honey. so yes, i love sweet things. (: ![]() because you're like super cute.
Alexis |
Alvin |
Amanda |
Belle |
Bernice |
Bryan |
Carol |
ChewErn |
Claire |
Denise |
Desiree |
Devika |
Eliza |
Emilee |
Evelyn |
Firdaus |
Gerald |
Jan |
Jana |
Jendy |
JiaNing |
Jia Qi |
Johanna |
Jolene |
Justin |
Kun Han |
Melissa |
Michelle |
QiuJin |
Quenas |
Rachel |
Rochelle |
Sadhana |
Secrene |
Sherwin |
Sheryl |
ShuRong |
Si Hui |
SooCheen |
SzeMin |
Vincent |
XiaoNing |
XiaoYe |
YiTing |
Yolande |
Zee |
Zenglin |
fourfaith '10 ! |
ZionZone |
November 2006
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Monday, December 29, 2008
so i guess it's the start of a new phase in my life, yet again.
people get tired of these sometimes. .. it's time to let go of youuu. the nightmare's happening again. uhh. i will get you out of my mind. sometime later i guess. time will heal. but those memories will never be left forgotten. i look out of my window & everything flashes back. .. the gifts you bought me, the quarrels we went through, the things i bought for you but haven't given them. the times you said forget me, the places we went to, the smile that made me fall in love with you over & over again. .. i wouldn't want t erase them. i want t keep them. for as long as i can. but relax, i wouldn't hang onto you anymore. cause i want a new life, a new me. welcome .. ! the NEW pamela.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
watched twilight yesterday. :DDD with korkor & the other two mad women ; (you should know who?). ahhahah! & you know, we stood there in front of the counter choosing our seats for like, 2mins. which is better - the side ones or the bottom-centre ones? so in the end, wendi & secrene chose the side ones. which is kinda retarded standing there making a decision? LOL. then after that went arcade to pass time. ;D korkor played some racing i think. or whatever it's called. but it's damn hard. x( lol. & edward isn't shuai. ohh nooooo! ): & like, everyone's so white ; (except for jacob & some others). the cinema was like, damn cold can. watch the movie showing then even more cold. LOL. then got one person beside korkor spoilt the movie laah! go say what's gonna happen next. say also say until so loud. ugh. poor korkor, keep complaining. ): after that, we had to peee. so we went to the toilet from the 4th floor. but it was full. ): then went to the 3rd, 2nd & finally the 1st's. phew. although it had a queue, but cannot tahan already laahs. LOL. we waited for our turn. & the kids' urinal beside wendi went flushing. HAHAH. & then it was my turn. followed by secrene's? :x LOL. next we gave way to two elderlys/elderlies? (which is correct?). heh. so by the time we came out, korkor wait outside like, wanna run away le. hahahahah. ;DD funny laah. secrene & me kept laughing. see each others' face want laugh le. LOL. from the cinema all the way till we went home. after the toilet break, we went walk walk. ;D secrene said she wanted to eat. so we went fairprice? in the end, she bought mr bean. -.- lol. next went walk walk, then secrene wanted anderson's ice cream (secrene again). LOL. so we went there? ordered a couple fondue (to be shared by three). heh. i hate the bananna crunch! x( i hate banannas anyway. lol. & then i was forced to eat the strawberry. so secrene fed me. the strawberry was like hanging on top of me with my mouth open. (it kinda reminds me that i looked like a dog). -.- so we kept laughing until .. yeahs, i finally ate it? sooooooo unglam. x( hah. sat there until around 6pm i guess. cause secrene had to go home (secrene again). LOL. before that, we had 5mins of silence. D: well, it wasn't really silent though. we kept holding our laughter. & never drink water when laughing. it's dangerous. i wonder why our laughing disease didn't spread to wendi & korkor. x( they're immune to it? LOL. so in the end, The Whites lost. ): WAAAH. The Whites - secrene & i. The Blacks - wendi & korkor. (cause of our colour code). ;DD yay! damn funny can. at first all of us were wearing black before the movie. then after that secrene & i wore jackets. so we became The Whites. LOL. so, yeahs. after laughing for a few hours, we went home. ): nice nice day ehs? ;DD yay!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
it just came to me that the holidays are endingggggg! D: WAAAAH! i don'tw. to go to school! ): ugh. so i spent the whole day wrapping textbs. x( until my finger has a hole. wth. -.- LOL. anyw., it's dinnertimeeee. i wanna go ouuuuuut! ): lol. byeeee guys. happy homeworking! ;D
Saturday, December 13, 2008
MERRYCHRISTMAS! ;D hehehs. just in the mood for christmas celebrations now. yayyyy! prezzieeeees! :DDDD buy me many many soft toys peeps! ahhahah! (: kkaays. i'm in a superbly marvellous moood here! hahahahah. why .. ? .. i'm not telling youuu! hehehs. ;D so i met korkor yesterday. D: he's .. tall? lol. keeep saying me short. uhh. oh well. i got a freeee meal from him though. ;DDDDD yaaaaaaaaaah! hahahah. about today .. saturday so had electone class in the morning. then went home for lunch. then off to thomson plaza to collect the blazer/fetch sis/eat kfc?! -.- lol. so i was there at kfc through the 1h. ugh. ALONE. wth. x( *& yups. i've recovered from the last post alrdy. (: no worries yeahs? :D
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
i'm sick of my life.
i wanna forget you, but i can't bear to. it's been 9 months our love was recognised. is the feeling going away? how sweet you treated me, how cold you treated me, i wouldn't mind all. but you're a different person now. i don't know whether to continue or not. only you hold the answer. .. .. help me. i am lost.
Friday, December 05, 2008
i'm back from japan! ): WAAAAAAAAAAH. imissjapan! sobs sobs. )))))))))): the trip was damn fun can! we partied throughout the nights everyday. & the hotel has a kitchen! how cool was that?! ;DD so we had instant noodles cooked by our very own chefs - the boys! yups! & it almost looked as if it was a chalet. with mixed genders sleeping over. oops! :x the 2nd last night, we had wine! OMG. white wine, provided by edwin! aaaaaah! damn cooool can! :DD then everyone's face turned red. oops? heheheh. but nothing happened alright! ;D we went crazy bout guys through the whole trip. everywhere we go, our eyes were on the lookout for hot guys. then in Aya School, there was the President & the Vice-President. the girls went screaming around! aaaaaaaaaaaah! then we were scolded by ah lau for making too much noise .. which reminds me of his secret .. shhhh! ;DD hehehehehs. the day before the homestay was the craziest. we were all nervous about it & can't bear to leave one another. so we slept for around 30mins only. -.- then the next day, we were all sleeping in our buddy's car. wth. damn paiseh can! :x lol. but after the homestay, we all had the japanese accent. lol. we went like speaking simple english. hahahah. funny. ;D surprisingly, we all can't bear to part with our buddies! ): the farewell party was the funnest! pictures can be found at my friendster! click here! :DDD (there's the president but no vice president alrights!) ahhahahah! oh well, i can't tell you the story of my whole trip. but pictures speaks a thousand words! ;D here's a group picture of us at Mt. Aso. (: |