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![]() In Latin, 'Pamela' means made of honey. so yes, i love sweet things. (: ![]() because you're like super cute.
Alexis |
Alvin |
Amanda |
Belle |
Bernice |
Bryan |
Carol |
ChewErn |
Claire |
Denise |
Desiree |
Devika |
Eliza |
Emilee |
Evelyn |
Firdaus |
Gerald |
Jan |
Jana |
Jendy |
JiaNing |
Jia Qi |
Johanna |
Jolene |
Justin |
Kun Han |
Melissa |
Michelle |
QiuJin |
Quenas |
Rachel |
Rochelle |
Sadhana |
Secrene |
Sherwin |
Sheryl |
ShuRong |
Si Hui |
SooCheen |
SzeMin |
Vincent |
XiaoNing |
XiaoYe |
YiTing |
Yolande |
Zee |
Zenglin |
fourfaith '10 ! |
ZionZone |
November 2006
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
I'M CHIONGING MY HOMEWORK ON NEW YEAR'S EVE . WHAT A DAY . for those who haven't finished their homework (so far everyone except jianqiang -.-), let me brighten up your day a little . the following are homework i've not done : 1. Econs 2. Social Studies 3. Add. Mathematics 4. Chinese don't you think teachers are such evil people ? students who don't do their work are actually lightening their workload . and what do they do in return ? they make us stay back after class and finish them . what kind of world is this ?!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
it's the last week of holidays .
& there's still loads of homework to be done . :S - if only dreams could come true just as we wanted . the world would be a perfect place to live in .
Sunday, December 27, 2009
was freaking tired yesterday .
went orchard AND vivocity AND harbourfront . then my leg was aching so badly last night . ): at Orchard. before that , i met darren at j8 . then we trained t somerset to be exact . the first building we went was 313@Somerset . it wasn't really crowded surprisingly . :D walked , shopped , talked . then we went the Orchard Central next door . yes , the one with the uber high and long escalator . D: sadly it was raining and we couldn't go t the rooftop garden . ): walked , shopped , talked . oh yes , plus we had Ajisan there ! it was a nice meal with darren . he opened his present there too ! :D and thanky. for the meal ! (L) then we walked , shopped , talked . again cause we were stuck in the building due t the rain . :S luckily , we found a link t centrepoint . :D omg , the furnishings and deco there are uber nice . too bad i didn't bring the camera . ): at centrepoint , we walked , shopped , talked . hahah . darren managed t get a shirt . but i didn't get anything . D: i started getting stressed up cause i couldn't find anything . :/ so we left the building and went t ngee ann city . walked in the rain tgether with a huge crowd doing so too . you would find this normal at orchard i know . :O crossed over t 313 again . then i got a cardigan from cotton on . :D ohyes , i bought something finally ! LOL . then made our way t ngee ann city in the rain . there was this kind lady who sheltered me with her umbrella when we crossed the road . omg , so hard t find such kind souls these day . (: walked , shopped , talked . so darren got his water bottle there . and then we trained home cause i had a curfew t meet . crap . then said goodbye at bishan . ): & that was the end of our shopping trip manszxc . oh yes , did i tell you ? the underpass throught wisma t orchard was freaking crowded . it was totally a human jam there . D: then we saw this girl who was smsing someone called darren too . :O hahahah , what a coincidence ? :D :D :D at Vivo / Harbourfront. to put it simply , we walked , shopped , talked . hahahah , really it was like that . :O but let me elaborate more . my uncle came t fetch us for dinner at vivo . but i didn't eat cause i had a late lunch . :/ then walked , shopped , talked . i saw and fell in love with so many shoes from Anna Nucci ! :D but the cheapest i saw was $53.80 . -.- it would do as a perfect christmas gift manszxc . but sadly not . ): so we sat and had tea at some place which i can't remember where . chatted for awhile , and then went on our way home in time t watch momo love again . :P heheheh . - that was the end of the day after christmas . (:
Thursday, December 24, 2009
location: Telok Blahgah Hill Park i realised many people don'tk where's Henderson waves . like why ! it's so niceeeee ! :D my younger sis and i baked the cake ! oh & tgether with tammy too . :D preeeety eh ? (i'm not being sacarstic , cause it's one of the nicest cake we ever baked) LOL . - we're going t the Singapore Museum t see the mummy exhibits ! actually , not me , but my sisters . i can't imagine myself looking at real life mummies and not fainting . D: so i'll most probably be wandering around and then head t the my aunt's church for christmas service ! (: at the same time , i can look around for something for darren as our christmas exchangeeeee ! :D
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
i suddenly thought of those days in MCS .
omg , it's been such a long timeeeeeee ! decided to visit those links in my 'exits' which i haven't been clicking on for a long time . :O & i realised that many of them couldn't work . -.- ohwell , who cares . leaving it for show would be nice too . :P hahahah . realised that we have all grown so much . D: which makes me crave for a 6D gatheringgggggg(L) ! :/
jurassic park just ended .
i know , i'm watching it for the 100000 time ?! hahahah . anw , darren's back ! (: & i get t sms ! omg , i'm so happyyyyy ! :D & i think i'm going cycling later again . :S ohcrap , why is my family so obsessed with cycling ?! my dad even managed t bring out the bike that's collecting dust in the storeroom for yearszxc ! -.- i'm super envious of people who get t go t korea , europe , or somewhere far far away ! while i'm living my life in my little bird cage that's called home . :/ it's like so unfair lah . plus my dad doesn't like me out of home w/o him . damn $@#%$@% ?!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
22nd Decemberrrrrrr !
1) I can finally sms tmorrow ! 2) Darren's coming back tday ! (L) 3) Mom's birthday ! 4) Christmas gathering w. family ! guess what ? i dreamt last night again . :O nothing much , but just like t post it . :P anw , it's a short post tday . gotta do the last english assignment . AND I HAVEN'T STARTED ON SS NOTES ! D: omg i am so gonna die when school reopens . :S
Monday, December 21, 2009
![]() as usual , i dreamt of D again . :O a nightmare actually . of course i wouldn't share about it here cause the whole world can see it . -.- but it's so wonderful that i always have nightmares when he's away . you may not believe it , but it's so trueeeee ! omg i am so happy ! :D
Sunday, December 20, 2009
![]() ohman , back t nightmare-nights . :O apparently i tend t get nightmares w/o him which is kinda good thing . at least i know that he's in my heart 24/7 . (:
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
i'm like using my sis's laptop t continue doing geog notes .
which makes me crave for big screeens instead of teeny tiny ones . :/ oh well , haven't got anything much t blog on these days . been at home most of the time , reading , stoning , homeworking . surviving like this for only a few days can kill alr . i can't imagine what would happen when i'm retired . LOL . (i think i'm thinking too far . :O) i wanna go out shopping with D ! can't wait t choose clothes for him ! :D heheheh . really hope i can get out of the house sooon . or i'd become some bird cooped up in a small cage . :S that's torture . but what i wanna do now is t finish up on the endless list of homework . ironic . p.s. i'm currently surviving on very limited smses . (cause i exceeded the limit a long time ago) *WAILS !*
Friday, December 11, 2009
hi i'm backkkkkk ! :D
tday's baking was a total failure . :O but whateverrrrrr . if i tell you about it you'd call me retarded for sure . omg , even i feel retarded thinking about it . -.- but i'm not going t share it here of course . :P anw , i'm going for a wedding celebration after electone tmorrow . & then for the dinner at Novotel at night . can't waittttttttt ! :D in the meantime , i'm going back t facebook again . (even though there isn't much t do)
D's coming t bake & study at my house later on !
ahhahahah ! I.AM.SO.HAPPY ! :D
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
yesterday's day out with darren was uber niceeee♥ !
we met at amk hub , then shopped for awhile . wanted t get stuff for this saturday's wedding dinner , but couldn't find anything nice sadly . ): then went on a looonnnnnnggggggg bus ride t ECP . not really t ECP , cause it doesn't even goes there . so we alighted at some place with HDBs and condos , without anything that looks like ECP in sight . -.- lol lol . walked , talked , complained . the weather was somehow damn hot yesterday . x( after we got tired & still clueless on how t get t ECP , we hailed a cab . then it was $3.80 for a less than 5mins ride . ?!?!?! but it turned out that we were walking in the wrong direction just now . -.- LOL . then we proceeded t rent a bike & started our cycling journey of two hours approximately . :O reached the place where the planes took off/land again and headed back . & i still can't cycle with one hand off . >: ( when that person beside me can totally cycle with both hands off . WTHECK . had mac before heading back home . he wanted t go prawning . but obviously i didn't want t . although it'll be nice watching him . ((: but we didn't in the end . then somehow we managed t find a bus stop with bus 13 that can take me home . yay ? :D it was a reeeeeeeeeeeeally long ride , even longer than the one before . was veh tired , but couldn't sleep . ): i decided not t alight at the bus stop t my house cause i didn't feel like moving after more than an hour of sitting . :P heheh . then alighted at j8 with darren . shopped awhile & then made my way home . of course with him accompanying me . (: i really love yesterday 081209 ! & thanky. so much darren for always making my day ♥ . (:
Saturday, December 05, 2009
hellohellohellohello !
i'm so happy daddy allows me t go t ECP on tuesday ! omgomg , we're gonna have so much funnnnn♥ ! (: anw , back t present times . i can barely find anything t blog about these days . it's like facebook , tv , phone & sleep . is that even a life ? :O alright , i'm gonna play puzzle now . byebyeeeeeee ! :D
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
it's just so hard .
sometimes i just wish i knew magic . |